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Fraternal Organizations


Knights of Columbus – Mayville

Mike Vollmer, of the Knights of Columbus of Mayville presents Cindy Thomae, treasurer and Margie Cramer, secretary of the S.A.M Conference of St. Vincent de Paul with a check for
$300.00 from the proceeds of the Brat Fry. Many thanks go out to all those who helped
with the event and all those who supported the event.


Knights of Columbus – Lomira/Theresa

Fr. Michael J. McGivney Council #12621
For more information about these events or to
join our council, please contact:

Grand Knight – Bob Jamrozy tel. 920-210-9676
Chancellor – Jery Stephany tel. 920-269-7907


Our council meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.

Our council meets in the basement of St. Mary’s Church in Lomira, 699 Milwaukee St., Lomira, WI 53048





Knights of Columbus Homepage


 Catholic Order of Foresters

St. Theresa Court 0897 raised over $2200 in a matching fund
event for the Theresa Ambulance Service!  A big thank you to everyone who helped in April with this event.


Congratulations to Chief Ranger Tony Bodden for being
re-elected a Trustee for the Wisconsin State Court.  
Good luck at the National Convention in Omaha in August!

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