Join Us in Our Ministries!
Volunteers are an important component to the success of all ministries. Our energetic, faith driven team is always searching to expand our group. Please complete the following information so that we can reach out to you to see how we can work together to spread the Good Word to our community. Thank you.
Proclaim the Word of God at mass.
Sacristans assist before and after Mass to arrange the liturgical books, vestments, sacred vessels & items necessary for the celebration of the Mass.
Eucharistic Minister
Help distribute the Body and Blood of Christ. There is also opportunity to deliver Communion to the sick or homebound.
Music Ministry
Opportunities to cantor (song leader at mass), join the choir, or share your talent on the organ or piano.
Altar Server
Assist at mass by preparing the altar, receiving the gifts of bread and wine, and holding the book of prayers.
Welcome people to our liturgies, help with the collection, hand help at special masses and services.
Spiritual Life & Worship (Liturgy) Committee
Help to plan the liturgical seasons, church environment, and foster the spiritual life of the parish. Meets monthly.
Christian Formation Program
Teach class, classroom aide, or be a discussion leader for high school classes.
St. Mary's School Angels
Help at school with classroom activities and events.
Finance and Building & Grounds Committee
Helps to maintain and improve parish buildings and grounds as well as evaluates and helps to maintain the financial health of the parish. Meets monthly.
Jack or Jill of All Trades
Volunteeer to help out occasionally in a specialized area such as electrical, plumbing, computer technology, carpentry, etc.