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Pastoral Council 


Member       Parish    Trustee    Committee    Term Exp.

Nancy Bogenschneider    St. Mary                           Yes                     Finance, B&G                                       2025

Kimberly Cinnamon          St. Mary                           Yes                     Finance, B&G                                       2025

John Schuller                      St. Mary                                                      Spiritual Life & Worship                     2027

Randy Clark                        St. Mary                                                      Chair                                                      2025

Katie Feucht                       St. Mary                                                      St. Mary's School                                  2025

Joan Wiese                          St. Andrew                                                 Christian Form / Gen of Life               2026

Tracy Nadolski                    St. Andrew                      Yes                     Finance, B&G / Scholarship                2025

Daniel Hoffman                  St. Andrew                      Yes                     Finance, B&G                                        2025

Nathan Waas                       St. Andrew                                                Emergency Response                          2025

Jeff Bauer                              St. Andrew                                                Emergency Response                         2027

Tami Vodak                           St. Theresa                                               Human Concerns                                 2027

Michele Burns                      St. Theresa                     Yes                    Finance, B&G                                        2025

Rick Steger                            St. Theresa                     Yes                    Finance, B&G                                        2025
Karen Bodden                      St. Theresa                                               Stewardship                                          2026

Lynn Steger                           St. Theresa                                               Secretary                                               2026

Mary Jo Myers                      All*                                                             Human Concerns                                 2026

Kevin Knoll                            All*                                                             Emergency Response                          2026

Farther Ed Kornath              All                                                               Pastor


Trustee Two per Parish. Up to 3 consecutive two-year terms.

Council Member Three per Parish. Up to 2 consecutive three-year terms.

* Committee Representative At-will member of council representing all three Parishes.

Click here for Milwaukee Archdiocese training videos for parishioners discerning nominations to our Pastoral Council, Trustee and/or Finance Council.

Dodge East Parishes Joint Pastoral Council
                                                            Members and responsibilities
Fr. Nathaniel Miniatt-Pastor
Fr. Mark Brandl-associate pastor
Fr. Edwin Kornath-associate pastor
Robert Scott- Sacred Heart, trustee treasurer
David Streblow- Sacred Heart, trustee secretary
Nick Stoeckel-Sacred Heart, member at large
Zachary Doll- St Mary Lomira, trustee treasurer
Chuck Dineen- St. Mary Lomira, trustee secretary
Ralph Holzmann- St. Mary Lomira, member at large
Daniel Hoffman- St. Andrew, trustee secretary
Tracy Nadolski- St. Andrew, trustee treasurer
Nathan Waas- St. Andrew, member at large
Rick Steger- St. Theresa, trustee treasurer
Michele Burns- St. Theresa, trustee secretary
Eileen Lifke- St. Theresa, member at large/finance chair
Kimberly Cinnamon- St. Mary Mayville, trustee treasurer
Nancy Bogenschneider- St. Mary Mayville, trustee secretary
Rick Torn- St. Mary Mayville, member at large/finance chair
Steve Wessing- Sons of Zebedee, trustee secretary
Kathy Sterr- Sons of Zebedee, trustee treasurer
Sandy Vercauteren- Sons of Zebedee, member at large




January 9, 2024: St. Mary Finance Committee

January 23, 2024: Pastoral Council @ St. Mary

February 13, 2024: Human Concerns Committee @ St. Andrew

February 27, 2024: Pastoral Council @ St. Theresa

March 12, 2024: St. Theresa Finance Committee

March 26, 2024: Pastoral Council @ St. Andrew

April 9, 2024: Spiritual Life & Worship Committee @ St. Theresa

April 23, 2024: Pastoral Council @ St. Mary

May 7, 2024: St. Andrew Finance Committee

May 21, 2024: Pastoral Council @ St. Theresa

June 11, 2024: St. Mary Finance Committee

June 25, 2024: Pastoral Council @ St. Andrew

July/August: NO MEETINGS

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